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Geospatial Intelligence and
Law Enforcement
all Crimes have to happen somewhere
The purpose of this part of the Journal is to provide new articles, videos and academic papers. This section of the webpage is for education and exploration of the use of GEOINT/GIS in the law enforcment field.
Recent Events /News Article Links:
February 24, 2014
"Dallas GIS Police Analyst Uses Geospatial Skills to Fight Crime"
- Directions Magazine
Februrary 13, 2014
- The Daily
February 6, 2014
"Mapping the weekly crime report: COGS student tackles crime with GIS"
- The Annapolis County Spectator
January 28, 2014
"Guyanese website could be game changer in regional crime fighting"
- Global Voices
January 3, 2014
"Crime-Tracking Software Paying Dividends in Montrose County"
- the Watch
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